WordPress Basics – Cybercom
Quick configure WordPress settings

This is a 60 second process that prevents you from getting buried by a mountain of email from the system. These settings will also help your SEO and prevent spamming.

For a company or static site (not a membership site)

Go to settings=>General

  1. Make sure you site URL is correct
  2. Makes sure “register new user” is unchecked
  3. Click “Save Changes”

Go to Settings=>Reading

  1. If you want a static homepage click “A static page”
  2. In the drop down choose “Sample Page”
  3. For article feed in most cases you want summary
  4. Click “Save Changes”

Go to Settings=>Discussion

  1. The top 2 checkboxes should be checked, “Allow people to post comments on new articles” should be unchecked
  2. Check comment author must fill out name and email
  3. Check users must be registered and logged in to comment
  4. Check automatically close articles and change the 14 days to 1 day
  5. Uncheck Enable nested comments
  6. Uncheck “Anyone posts a comment”
  7. Uncheck “A comment is held for moderation”
  8. Check “Comment must be manually”
  9. Check “Comment author must have previously approved comment”
  10. Uncheck Chow Avatars
  11. Click “Save Changes”

Go to Settings=>Permalinks

  1. Unless you want a specific structure from some reason it is best to use “Post Name”
  2. Click “Save Changes”


For a membership or blog site

Go to settings=>General

  1. Make sure you site URL is correct
  2. Makes sure “register new user” is checked
  3. Click “Save Changes”

Go to Settings=>Reading

  1. If you want a static homepage click “A static page”
  2. In the drop down choose “Sample Page”
  3. For article feed in most cases you want summary
  4. Click “Save Changes”

Go to Settings=>Discussion

  1. The top 3 checkboxes should be checked.
  2. Check comment author must fill out name and email
  3. Check users must be registered and logged in to comment (optional)
  4. Adjust “Automatically close articles” To the number of days you want to allow comments
  5. Uncheck “Anyone posts a comment” (trust us you do not want this much mail)
  6. Uncheck “A comment is held for moderation”
  7. Decide if you want to manually approve comments in “Comment must be manually”
  8. Recommended that you check “Comment author must have previously approved comment” if you are not doing the manual approvals
  9. Choose your Avatars
  10. Click “Save Changes”

Go to Settings=>Permalinks

  1. Unless you want a specific structure from some reason it is best to use “Post Name”
  2. Click “Save Changes”
Setting up a New WordPress Installation

In order to set up a new WordPress you must have a hosting company, access to a SQL database, and FTP access. This guide assumes you are performing an manual installation and not using the install wizard that exist in some hosting companies like Godaddy, Bluehost, and 1and1. You can also host with us.  While we don’t have the slick automated system of some of the big hosting companies, we do have inexpensive hosting and we will actually set up your WordPress install for you if you want.  We will, configure the recommended settings, upload a copy of our Theme Framework, and add the recommended plugins. All for just $36 per year.

Manual install is a very simple process:

Open PHPmyAdmin or SQL editing program and create a database for WordPress to use.

Create a MySQL user with all rights

Download the latest WordPress version at WordPress.org

Unzip the WordPress package

Make a copy of wp-config-sample.php and name it wp-config.php

Change the 4 items in bold to your information. Unless specified by your hosting company the 4th one will remain localhost

// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define( 'DB_NAME', 'database_name_here' );

/** MySQL database username */
define( 'DB_USER', 'username_here' );

/** MySQL database password */
define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'password_here' );

/** MySQL hostname */
define( 'DB_HOST', 'localhost' );

Upload the files to the directory you want. (usually the root domain or something like <root>/blog/

Activate the WordPress installation script by going to the domain name of the site you are installing.

Follow the instructions and your WordPress installation will be functional.

Next Step, configuring the settings! Configure button.